Grand-Village-Plage and Saint-Trojan-les-Bains
Grand-Village has 900 inhabitants, called Grand-Villageois. Its houses are located between marshes and the forest.
The beach is connected to the village by a boulevard that runs through the forest of Saint-Trojan.
The villages of Petit-Village, Trillou and Allassins are part of this district. Petit-Village is located on the edge of salt marshes.
A bit of history
Until the middle of last century, the districts of Saint-Trojan-les-Bains and Grand-Village-Plage were merged.
Thus, the first mayor of Grand-Village-Plage was elected in 1951.
Remarkable places
- Oleron's traditional habitat is presented by "la Maison Paysanne" ("Farmhouse"). A collection of costumes and headdresses is also exposed.
- During the summer season, the folk group called Déjhouqués who created this museum features traditional dances and songs from Oleron and Saintonge.
- The alleys in the center of Grand-Village are typical.
- The Chapel of St. Joseph is decorated with frescoes painted by the artist Elias Murat, who was deputy mayor of the town.
- Walking trails go through the woods and the dunes from the village to the beach.
Port des Salines
The eco-museum at "Port des Salines" presents the operation of a salt pan. It is located near Petit-Village.
From "Port des Salines", it is possible to make a boat trip in a still active salt pan.
There are one hotel and four camping sites in Grand-Village-Plage.
Saint-Trojan-les-Bains has 1,500 inhabitants, called Saint-Trojannais. It was built three hundred years ago on the site of an older village buried under sand dunes.
Saint-Trojan welcomes holidaymakers for more than a century. In its center, some villas are a reminder of early twentieth century seaside resorts.
The mimosa decorating gardens in Saint-Trojan was imported from the Riviera in the late nineteenth century. It is celebrated in February by a cavalcade.
Remarkable places
- Point of Manson, which is at the end of the "Petite Plage" ("small beach"), offers an interesting perspective on Oleron bridge and on the bridge over the Seudre.
- The park "Marais des Bris" is a natural protected area. This former marsh can be visited along its discovery trail.
- The museum called "Maison de l'huître oléronaise" introduces the history and technique of oyster farming.
- The oyster port is lined with colorful huts.
- A night market is held every Thursday evening in July and August in the center of the village.
- At the peak of the island, on the observatory dune, a surveillance tower is used to prevent fires.
- The beaches of Gatseau and Maumusson can be reached from Saint-Trojan by the "P'tit Train".
There are ten hotels, one club and four camping sites in Saint-Trojan.

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